
At Cresco Global Energy Ltd, Sustainability is a core of our strategic initiative. It revolves around our core values of SCIENCE – Safety, Creativity, Integrity, Efficiency and Effectively, Nimbleness, Customer-Centricity, and Environmental Friendliness. Our sustainability objective is pursued using the following approaches:

Effective Use of Data

At Cresco, we are using cutting-edge data analytics systems and tools to overcome the operational complexity of Oil and Gas and solid minerals operations as we target the reduction of ecological impact by reducing wastage, accidents, and bottlenecks.

Use of Freshwater

The use of water is integral to the various oil and gas production processes, from fracking to separating oil from other elements present in oil sands. Multiples of millions of barrels of water is utilised daily in oil and gas operations. We are committed to the use of fresh water as a major alternative to reduce the negativeimpacts of recycled water.

Improving water recycling efforts

The use of water is integral to the various oil and gas production processes, from fracking to separating oil from other elements present in oil sands. Multiples of millions of barrels of water is utilised daily in oil and gas operations. We are committed to the use of fresh water as a major alternative to reduce the negativeimpacts of recycled water.

Methane Leakage

At Cresco, we are exploring ways of reducing methane leakages as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of production using technology.

Streamlining & Improving Processes

We believe that reducing the impact of our production on the environment can only be achieved through a streamlined process. The use of ultrasound technology allows us to create 3D images of the inside of oil wells, enabling Cresco to make more informed and cost-effective production decisions. Similarly, Industrial Internet of Things (IIOTs), data analytics software, process automation, placement of reserve, and capability enhancements, and artificial intelligence programs all help us to find and eliminate operational inefficiencies. Cresco Global Energy is committed to sustainable production methods and will continue to work with all stakeholders to enhance our ability to meet the current global energy demands without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their energy needs.